Chachamu Chamu
A bubbly and laid-back lalafellin adventurer who is known for her flexibility in both life and battle, taking on almost any job if the coin is good. Yet, even with her constant employment, her coin purse is always light as can be.

Shoshomi Shomi
A nervous-looking new adventurer fresh from Ul'dah. While shy and a bit skittish, she's earnestly trying her best to become a gladiator who can protect others, especially after being blessed with the Echo. However, she is struggling to live up to the responsibilities and expectations of her gift.
A recent hire at Chamu's new cafe who will always greet you with a gentle smile and a hot cup of coffee.

Chachamu Chamu
nicknames | Chamu, Cham, Mu |
age | 24 |
nameday | 23rd Sun of the 1st Astral Moon |
race | Dunesfolk Lalafell |
pronouns | She/They |
main class | Conjurer |
servers | Leviathan, Primal Datacenter |
A lalafellin adventurer who is known for her flexibility in both life and battle, taking on almost any job if the coin is good. Their boisterous and flippant attitude betrays the gruesome work she is accustomed to. They're always on the move, rarely staying in a town for more than a couple days after they've finished a job.Between work, Chachamu will throw herself at anything immediately interesting. Be it delving into a new profession, opening up a merchant stall, tree climbing, or anything under the sun: she will put her all into it (at least for a few days before the next contract). However, even with how frequently she is employed, her coinpurse is always emptied by the end of the week.

Born in Ul'dah, Chachamu had been used to picking up odd work since very young. Her mother, a conjurer chirugeon, made just barely enough gil to support the both of them. While she didn't have to, she was constantly working both to give her mother gifts after her long shifts at the clinic and to entertain herself while alone all day. She also learned a bit of conjury from her mother; a skill that would eventually take her to Gridania. After joining the Adventurer's Guild at 15 years old and a few years of doing more dangerous work in Thanalan, she would travel to Gridania to both further her knowledge of conjury and learn other trades.
seventh umbral calamity
At 19, she had served as a chirugeon's assistant at the far edge of Carteneau during the Battle of Carteneau. She saw Bahamut arise from the shell of Dalamud firsthand. Most of the day is a blur to Chachamu, but the sight of the elder primal is seared into her mind. She made way to Ul'dah after the Calamity to find her mother. The city was in ruins. She would learn that her mother was killed while directing hurt citizens to the clinic after the buildings began crumbling onto the street. For the next five years, she would travel across Eorzea to help her and her people rebuild where she could. This would lead her to take on all sorts of trades in order to help anyone where she could.
present day
These days, she is still an adventurer, though she seems to take things much less seriously after the rebuilding efforts have bore fruit. Recently her main focus is to make coin, have fun, and enjoy the scenery.

Guardian deity is Nald'thal, overseer of transactions and the underworld and god of commerce.
The cane she uses for conjury was given to her by her mother before the Battle of Carteneau. It was her mother's most reliable cane.
Many small scars litter her body as remnants of her training and adventuring when she was reckless and just starting out. She now habitually mends her injuries quickly so they don't leave lasting marks after being scolded by friends.
While her specialty is conjury and healing, she is somewhat proficient in most major weaponskills due to a mixture of learning from fellow adventurers and the many guilds in Eorzea.
Averse to crafting and gathering, but will do it if it pays well.
Always broke because she is constantly spending on without much thought. Often pays for other people's stuff as well on a whim, even if it costs most of what she has. "Gil exists to be spent!"
Has attempted to join every major martial guild that she could find, from thaumaturgy to the machinist's. There was sometimes begging and bribing involved.
Occasionally runs a taxi service.
Happily married to another adventurer, though she rarely talks about them.
Roleplay Information
looking for
Employers & temporary employment of almost any kind, preferably odd jobs
Mentors in martial disciplines
Any type of friendship (sparring buddies, drinking buddies, general conversationalists)
where to find them
Lavender Beds — She owns a home and an apartment there and will sometimes wander around the neighborhood.
Ul'dah — Having grown up in the city, she frequently visits for food, fun, and memories.
Pretty Much Anywhere — Chachamu is a free spirit and is constantly travelling! She's always on the move looking for the next new adventure.
character hooks
Chachamu is ALWAYS available for hire and looking for a new contract! If your character could use a hired hand for ANYTHING, be it gardening, monster hunting, or even holding your bags for you, she'll be up for it if you're offering the right amount of coin.
Adventuring is always on the table for Chachamu and she's always looking for people to tag along with. If you need a healer, she's definitely someone to call.
She absolutely loves gossip and drama. You may see her at taverns collecting the latest from any stranger willing to talk.
Alternate Universes
warrior of light
After the 7th Umbral Calamity, Chamu had heard Hydaelyn’s call and received the echo. Soon afterwards, she would join the Scions of the Seventh Dawn and aid them in their cause. She is constantly on the move helping the Scions in any capacity she can and revels in the challenging fights her duty often brings. In spite of how much she enjoys her job, she frequently dreams of vacation.
of the first
Chamu is a Dwarf of the First named Chamott who left Tomra when she was young, holding dreams of adventure in spite of all the warnings and stories of her elders. She is now a travelling hunter (and small merchant), seeking both coin and the thrill of battle. Frequently based in Mord Souq and the Crystarium. Absolutely refuses to return to Tomra under any circumstances and still holds mistrust for Eulmorians.
sharyalan gleaner
Chamu is a well-traveled Sharlayan scholar and gleaner whose main task is retrieving the carcasses of large, dangerous beasts for research. Wrote her thesis on the practical applications of white magic in modern warfare. Known among her peers for eschewing her studies until the last minute and dueling her in public.
23 | no preferred pronouns
Hi, I'm Chamu! I've been playing FFXIV on and off since 2013 and I'm a White Mage main! I am primarily based in Leviathan on Primal, but have recently began playing on Crystal as well. The FFXIV RP scene is new to me and I'm excited to get right into things!Outside of FFXIV, I'm a recent drawing and illustration grad that does commissions and occasionally streams on Twitch. Feel free to message me about FFXIV, art, or anything on Discord! (Chamu#0001)

Open to casual in-game RP or general character plotting! Please feel free to message or @ me on Discord before starting any RP.
I absolutely LOVE plotting! If you're not interested in RPing with me and just wanna talk about our characters and how they could hang out, I'm totally down for that.
I generally prefer RPing in-game with Discord being used for long post RP.
Thoughts and views of the characters are not always reflective of me as the player. OOC and IC are separate and should be treated as such.
I am most experienced in and comfortable with casual and friendly RP, but am open to trying out combat, adventure, and other types of RP!
No NSFW RP. We can talk about potential sexual relationships between characters, but I am not interested in writing erotic scenarios in detail.
Shoshomi Shomi
nicknames | Cupcake Baker |
age | 17 |
nameday | 16rd Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon |
race | Dunesfolk Lalafell |
pronouns | She/Her |
main class | Gladiator |
servers | Goblin (Crystal DC), Jenova (Aether DC) |
A nervous new Lalafellin adventurer fresh from Ul'dah's Gladiator's guild, though she’s clumsy enough to make people question whose idea it was to give her a sword. Soft-spoken and shy, Shoshomi often stutters through her words when meeting to new people. However, it doesn’t take long for her to warm up to friendly folk. She’s quick to show her appreciation of new friends and helpful encounters in the form of freshly made baked goods.She had taken up the sword and shield after being bestowed the Echo shortly after the calamity. Her Echo manifests in allowing her to see a person's final moments if they are fated to die in the near future. Being blessed this way has made Shoshomi sure that Hydaelyn believes in a higher calling for this humble baker's daughter, but these visions of death have weighed heavily on her mind.

Shoshomi grew up in Ul’dah helping out with her father’s bakery in almost any way she could. She was always timid at the counter with the customers, but her true joy was helping her father bake the sweets. Out of everything they made, she had a particular love of their cupcakes and was nicknamed "Cupcake" by her father as such for it; a nickname that would spread throughout many who frequented their little shop.
seventh umbral calamity
The Calamity changed everything. When the moon split open and Bahamut unleashed his rage, she and her father were one of many in the Ul'dahn streets caught in the carnage. As she began to lose consciousness, the sight of the elder primal's wrath illuminating the skies faded and something else filled her mind: Hydaelyn's voice.Soon after the dust settled, she and her father set out to get the bakery up and running again as fast as possible. The mood was tragic and he was determined to do what they could to lift spirits. Yet there were some notable new oddities with Shoshomi. She could sometimes understand the strange languages that some rare customers spoke and occasionally had short visions into their past. Although she hadn't realized it, she had gained the echo. It was a miracle. Yet, it also manifested in a way she felt was a curse.She could see a vision of a person's last moments in life if they are to die very soon. There were a few different ways Shoshomi tried to get around this. Be it directly warning the person, convincing them to do something else, or even going with them to try and save them herself, they would die just as she envisioned. Yet, she would not give up trying. "If only I were stronger," she'd tell herself, "maybe I could have helped them."This led her to joining the Gladiator's Guild and taking up the sword and shield. At first, it was not something she seemed particularly suited for, clumsy and reluctant to fight as she was. The other fighters seemed so aggressive compared to her—and significantly more skilled. It didn't feel like she belonged. Up until then, the only things her two hands knew were baking. However, seeing other gladiators and the sultansworn protect others behind their shields only motivated her to do the same in spite of her doubts.
present day
It has been four years since Shoshomi joined the guild, and she's now setting out to start adventuring on her own. Even after all that time in the guild, she is still as diffident and awkward as ever, struggling to start conversations and weak to the assertive, mean-spirited types. Yet, when it comes to battle, she is entirely focused and continues to improve herself with clarity. Those who get closer to her are often rewarded with gifts in the form of freshly baked goods: specifically her specialty, cupcakes.

Favorite color is peach and her favorite dessert is creme brulee.
Guardian deity is Llymlaen, watcher of the seas and goddess of navigation.
Inherited her clumsiness from her happy-go-lucky father, Wawaguda Hasaguda.
Owns an old chocobo carriage her father used to use for the bakery.
Typically makes lemon cupcakes to give to people she appreciates.
Though not immediately obvious with her shyness and lack of self-confidence, Shoshomi is a capable soldier and takes her job very seriously. She is very earnest in her desires to help and protect others.
Very interested in talking shop about baking or martial skills and always looking to improve in both areas.
A huge fan of the Songbirds. Tries to attend every concert they have in Ul’dah and secretly collects fan merch.
Outside of maintaining and upgrading her armor, much of the gil she makes from adventuring goes to help fund her father’s bakery. While he is doing well on his own, she likes to help in any way she can now that she’s no longer in the shop.
Roleplay Information
looking for
Adventurers to party with
Friends and friendly folk who can help her out of her shell
Fellow bakers and dessert enthusiasts
where to find them
Thanalan — Many of her current adventurers are happening near her home city of Ul'dah as she begins to get her bearings with the basics of adventuring.
The Black Shroud — Gridania and its surrounding areas in the shroud are frequent stops for both its beautiful scenery and plentiful amount of guildleves.
Most of Aldenard — Wherever she can improve her skills and where people need help the most are the places you can find Shoshomi gravitating to, even if she might be a little out of her depth.
character hooks
Shoshomi, while a fairly well-trained gladiator, is still very new to the business of adventuring! You can find her struggling with certain leves, looking very lost, having a hard time bartering, and just a general number of small disasters that she gets caught up in.
She has inherited her father's Chocobo carriage and sometimes uses it to transport other merchants' cargo, ferry people from place to place, or occasionally to sell her own baked goods out of. Her most comfortable route is usually between Thanalan and The Black Shroud, but she'll sometimes venture further north.
While pretty clumsy, Shoshomi makes up for it by putting all of her focus in her gladiator training. If you can get past her shyness, she's a great and capable partner for sparring and adventuring.
She tries her best to be helpful where she can! If you look visibly troubled, it won't take long for her to approach.
Alternate Universes
silenced shoshomi
An older Shoshomi. Her larynx was irreparably damaged after a brutal encounter with Ishgardian heretics and was with the chirurgeons for weeks afterwards. Still somewhat shy, but seems outwardly much more optimistic than before. No longer perturbed about the visions of death from her echo, but has a bad habit of staring at people fated to die. Has begun seeking other martial disciplines after losing her voice and being unable to make calls mid-battle.
nicknames | Pyra |
age | 27 |
nameday | 28th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon |
race | Viera |
pronouns | Any Pronouns |
sexuality | Pansexual |
main class | Culinarian, Rogue |
servers | Leviathan (Primal DC) |
• Sweet & Sympathetic
• Organized
• Confidential
• Altruistic
• Flirty
• Sensual
• Reserved & Cautiouslikes
• Mixology
• Collecting mugs and cups
• Smoking
• Helping others talk through their problems
• Listening to stories
• Complimenting people genuinely and making others happy

Dislikes people who pry into their thoughts and feelings too quickly and values independence.
Open to casual partners and avoids committed relationships.
Gentle personality and will listen to anyone's woes.
Physically affectionate towards friends and will frequently give small gifts.
INFJ-A personality.
Born and raised in Sharlayan and left for Eorzea on a research expedition. Ended up being tied up into black-market trading to get rare research samples and fell too deep into the rabbit hole. Has dug themself out as of the past few years.
Trying to quit smoking, but always falls back on it.
Generally tries to stay on top of Eorzean fashion trends and tends to look sharp.
Afraid of his family and best friends at home in Sharlayan finding out about his criminal record in Eorzea.